
Russian Helicopters will spend 24 million rubles on research of artificial intelligence in autonomous flight

Image source: АО "Вертолеты России"

Moscow. December 4th. INTERFAX - The possibilities of using an autopilot with artificial intelligence will be studied on the basis of the Ka-226 helicopter, it follows from the materials of public procurement.

The design bureau of Russian Helicopters has ordered a study of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the onboard electronic equipment of a helicopter, according to documents on the official public procurement portal.

It states that the research will be conducted in 2021-2022, their cost is about 24 million rubles. The contractor has already been identified, but is not disclosed.

Artificial intelligence will be studied on the basis of the Ka-226 light multipurpose helicopter, the materials say.

According to the documentation, the purpose of the work is to determine the possibility and effectiveness of using artificial intelligence in the helicopter control system during autonomous flight and to select the optimal software architecture of the AI control system.

In particular, artificial intelligence should recognize objects and obstacles during flight and prevent collisions with them by applying to the control system "the same control actions as a person", as well as independently build a flight path along a given route taking into account changing conditions - weather conditions, the movement of other aircraft, etc., the technical task says.

The result of scientific research should be the creation of an autopilot with artificial intelligence and software on mobile devices for setting flight scenarios.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is usually understood as the ability of machines to perform human intellectual functions, independently find ways to solve problems, draw conclusions and make decisions without using software with detailed instructions.

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