Americans will probably ride on the moon on the goddess of hunting. Artemis can be called a new rover for an Earth satellite, the Izvestia TV channel reports. The concept of an electric car was presented by Northrop Grumman. However, the project has not been worked out in detail yet. A number of automotive companies are planning to involve in the development. According to the plan, the rover will be delivered to the Moon separately. Now three cars left over from visits to the Apollo missions are already "parked" on the Earth satellite. Americans plan to return to the moon in 2025.
Americans will probably ride on the moon on the goddess of hunting. Artemis can be called a new rover for an Earth satellite, the Izvestia TV channel reports. The concept of an electric car was presented by Northrop Grumman. However, the project has not been worked out in detail yet. A number of automotive companies are planning to involve in the development. According to the plan, the rover will be delivered to the Moon separately. Now three cars left over from visits to the Apollo missions are already "parked" on the Earth satellite. Americans plan to return to the moon in 2025.