The US military power is still undeniable, but it seems that in the near future the situation may change. A new report by the RAND Corporation, a non-profit organization dedicated to Sino-Russian cooperation, indicates that the combined military power of Russia and China continues to grow rapidly.
Fragments of a 300-page document published in the journal Popular Mechanics state that China and Russia continue political rapprochement amid ongoing problems in relations with the United States. The document itself is in the public domain, and anyone can read it).
Comparison of the military power of the United States, China and Russia
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Among the theses of the document, it also appears that the prospect of joint work between Beijing and Moscow "complicates US military calculations and should lead to a reassessment of contingency plans."
It also follows from the document that the United States is the only military superpower, although Russian nuclear weapons, as well as China's military and economic power, together make it almost equal competition:"Both countries share views on the United States, in which they see a strategic competitor, and sometimes a direct opponent. And although neither of them wants war, both would like to see a more level playing field between all three countries. This is a common interest that brings Russia and China closer together."
At the same time, based on the growth schedules of various sectors of the economy and military power, it is China that is the main factor in strengthening the "bloc" of the two countries.