
Russia will create a tracked mortar for the Arctic

Image source: Фото: Алексей Китаев / Wikipedia

The Russian Defense Ministry is conducting experimental design work to create a tracked mortar on a snow-and-mud chassis adapted for the Arctic landscape. The vehicle will be based on a two-link DT-BTR transporter, TASS reports with reference to Mikhail Osyko, a member of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation.

The development of a self-propelled mortar takes into account the experience of creating an armored personnel carrier DT-BTR and a repair and evacuation tracked two-link vehicle REM-GD. These vehicles are based on the upgraded chassis of the DT-10PM all-terrain vehicle.

The Russian Defense Ministry is also conducting development work on the creation of special military vehicles for the Arctic. According to Osyko, we are talking about control points and communication machines adapted for Arctic conditions. Promising cars can get the chassis of two-link all-terrain vehicles DT-10 and DT-30.

The DT-10 and DT-30 all-terrain vehicles of the Vityaz machine-building company are designed for transportation in difficult climatic conditions. The two-link design and wide tracks allow all-terrain vehicles to overcome difficult off-road terrain, snow-covered virgin land and swampy terrain. The machines can operate at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees Celsius. On the basis of all-terrain vehicles, a family of military equipment has been developed to equip the Arctic brigades of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. So, in November 2019 [...], the Tor-M2DT anti-aircraft missile systems took up combat duty.

Leonid Nemov

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