
The newest Belarusian armored personnel carrier Volat V2 will be shown at the Army-2021 forum

Image source: rg.ru

The development of the Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant - Volat V2 - was first demonstrated at the end of June at the 10th International Exhibition of Weapons and Military Equipment MILEX-2021 held in Minsk.

The machine is designed to replace wheeled and, partially, tracked Soviet equipment produced in the 70-80 - ies - these are the BTR-70, BTR-80, BMP-1 and BMP-2.

The four-axle armored personnel carrier weighs almost 20,000 kg. A special feature of the layout is the location of the engine and transmission compartment in the front part of the body on the right, next to the driver.

Initially, the turret from the BMP-2 was used as a combat compartment. A modern fire control system with multi-channel sights significantly increases the efficiency of using an automatic 30-mm 2A42 cannon, a 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun, as well as a complex of guided anti-tank weapons "Competition". The crew consists of three people.

Eight more motorized infantry paratroopers are placed in the landing compartment, special energy-absorbing chairs and a suspended floor are installed for them. There is a hatch in the stern for boarding and disembarking.

The Weichai WP13 diesel engine of Chinese design has a power of 550 hp.The transmission is a six-speed hydromechanical transmission. The maximum speed on the highway is 110 km/h, when overcoming water obstacles-10 km/h. The fuel reserve is 1200 kilometers.

Currently, an uninhabited remote-controlled combat module is installed on the APC. It is expected that the novelty of the Belarusian military-industrial complex will be presented in Russia, at the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2021 "in the Patriot congress and exhibition center near Moscow.

Alexey Moiseev

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