
The Turkish company Baykar Makina is developing a MIUS combat UAV

Image source: bmpd.livejournal.com

TSAMTO, July 26. The Turkish company Baykar Makina on July 20 on its Twitter page for the first time demonstrated a render image of the conceptual design of the MIUS (UCAV) combat unmanned aerial vehicle.

According to Selchuk Bayraktar, technical director of Baykar Makina, the company developed the MIUS project at its own expense. As planned, the MIUS will be able to carry about 1.5 tons of payload, including various types of ammunition, including guided air-to-air, air-to-ground missiles and cruise missiles.

According to S. Bayraktar, MIUS will be able to carry ammunition in the internal armament compartment to reduce radar visibility. The placement of ammunition on the underwing suspension units is also possible when used in operations where the radar visibility indicator is not important.

Initially, the UAV is planned to be used at a cruising speed close to the speed of sound, but the "next prototypes" will be supersonic.

The most important point, according to S. Bayraktar, is that, unlike other prototypes, the new device will be able to take off and land on board ships similar to the landing helicopter ships of the Anadolu class. The company aims to achieve the take-off of the UAV from the Anadolu without the use of a catapult.

The distinctive design elements of the new Turkish combat UAV should be the vertical tail and the front horizontal control surfaces (the "duck" aerodynamic scheme). Thanks to these elements, the device must have high maneuverability.

According to the company, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, MIUS will interact with manned combat aircraft. It is expected that this will also allow conducting combat operations against manned combat aircraft of the latest generation.

According to the announced schedule, Baykar Makina intends to start flight tests of the MIUS UAV in 2023.

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