
How to find camouflaged military bases from satellite images


Military base

It turns out that to spy on foreign military bases, you do not need to sit in a secret bunker and study images from military satellites with a magnifying glass.

According to a retired high-ranking military intelligence officer of the US Army, Keith Masback, it is quite enough to use the publicly available satellite images of the Google Maps service and the US Geological Survey (US Geological Survey). Masback shared his rich professional experience in a video on YouTube, where he revealed several simple ways to find a military base on a satellite image. Method one: look for straight lines. In nature, perfectly straight lines are an incredible rarity. Their presence on satellite images is a sure sign of human activity.

Military base

Method two: search for rows. Studying the pictures, you should also pay attention to the neat rows, which is typical for military bases, where everything – military equipment and buildings are located in a strictly defined order.

Military base

Method three: find the runways. Military airfields are perhaps the most "easy prey" for amateur scouts. As a rule, the runway is always clearly visible in the images. At the same time, their dimensions are quite consistent with the runways of civil airfields, but the total area of air force bases is much smaller than the area of large airports. Another difference is the presence of a spare runway. At military airfields, it is built in case the main one fails.

Military base

Method four: pay attention to the water. It is not difficult to find naval bases, especially if there are aircraft carriers there. A typical example is the Japanese and US Navy base in Yokosuka, where the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is clearly visible in the picture.

Military base

Method five: look for car parking lots. In the absolute majority of army bases are autonomous communities consisting of residential complexes, fleets with military trucks and small airfields for helicopters and airplanes.

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