The MC-21-310 prototype aircraft arrived in Zhukovsky to continue testing. The airliner arrived from Ulyanovsk after being painted on Spektr-Avia, the Izvestia TV channel reports. Equipped with a new PD-14 engine, the aircraft showed itself well in the sky. The airliner will continue testing at the M. M. Gromov airfield in Zhukovsky. MS-21-310 will be presented to the general public during the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021.
The MC-21-310 prototype aircraft arrived in Zhukovsky to continue testing. The airliner arrived from Ulyanovsk after being painted on Spektr-Avia, the Izvestia TV channel reports. Equipped with a new PD-14 engine, the aircraft showed itself well in the sky. The airliner will continue testing at the M. M. Gromov airfield in Zhukovsky. MS-21-310 will be presented to the general public during the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021.