
The new British Ajax BMP stunned the testers

Image source: Richard Watt/Wikimedia.org

The British Ministry of Defense has launched urgent consultations on the future of the Ajax BMP after receiving the results of the first tests of the new armored vehicle. During the tests, 21 servicemen lost their hearing, another 83 will have to undergo an annual examination.

In case the connection between the design features of the BMP and the injuries of its crews is confirmed, the military leadership is looking for an alternative to Ajax. Negotiations on this will be held next week, The Times writes, citing its own sources.

The British government believes that the true scale of the problems of the armored car was hidden from them. The Minister for Defense Procurement, Jeremy Quinn, will report on this issue to MPs in August.

In 2014, the UK ordered the American company General Dynamics 245 BMP of a new generation with a delivery period until 2024. The transaction amount is 5.5 billion pounds. To date, the military has received only 14 vehicles without combat modules, during their tests, the crews reported hearing loss, headache, nausea and swollen joints due to high noise and vibrations.

Anton Valagin

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