
Turkey will supply Tunisia with additional BBM " Bricks"

Image source: rg.ru

TSAMTO, June 29. The Turkish company BMC has signed a contract for the supply of 46 new armored vehicles with reinforced mine protection "Bricks" with a 4x4 wheel formula to Tunisia, Anadolu agency reports.

As planned, BMC will export 41 cars in the basic version and five ambulances to Tunisia. The sale price was not disclosed.

The shipment of equipment should begin in the coming months and will be carried out in batches. Thus, according to the agency, the total number of armored vehicles sold by BMC to Tunisia will reach 92 units. Tunisia will become the largest buyer of "Bricks" after Turkey. In addition, the contract was the first export sale of the ambulance version.

TSAMTO's comment:

For the first time, the intention of the Tunisian Armed Forces to purchase the BBM "Kirpi" became known in 2014. The sources of the Turkish agency are probably not fully informed about the sales of this equipment, since in a report to the UN Register of Conventional Arms for 2016, Turkey reported the supply of 71 Kirpi armored vehicles to Tunisia, including 27 with a screen to protect against RPG-7, 14 units with a screen to protect against RPG-7 in a medical version and 30 units. without a screen to protect against RPG-7.

Thus, taking into account the additional order, the Tunisian Armed Forces will receive at least 117 armored vehicles "Bricks".

In January 2021, the head of the Turkish Defense Industry Directorate, Ismail Demir, confirmed that, in coordination with SSB, five Turkish companies signed export agreements worth $ 150 million with the Tunisian Ministry of Defense.

In particular, armed Anka-S UAVs manufactured by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) should be delivered to the Tunisian Armed Forces. BMC, Nurol Makina, Aselsan and Katmerciler also received export orders. BMC will supply the Tunisian Armed Forces with "Bricks" and "Wuran" armored vehicles with a 4x4 wheel formula, Nurol Makina-Eider Yalchin armored personnel carriers, Katmerciler-armored vehicles and armored tankers, ASELSAN-electronic warfare systems and optoelectronic systems.

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