
Rostec and Petroengineering start production of high-tech equipment for oil and gas production

Image source: ТАСС

Moscow. June 22. INTERFAX-Research Institute "Polyus" named after M. F. Stelmakh of the holding "Shvabe" and the company" Petroengineering " signed a cooperation agreement providing for the implementation of a major project for the production of equipment for oil production, the press service of the state corporation Rostec, which includes the holding.

"The parties plan to jointly develop and produce modern drilling equipment, including PDC (Polycrystalline Diamond Bits) - a professional tool made using innovative technology for drilling oil, gas or geothermal wells," the statement said on Tuesday.

"The Polyus Research Institute already has experience in creating unique specialized equipment for the field of underwater oil and gas production - in October last year, we launched a fiber-optic system for transmitting and converting optical signals, which allows you to manage the underwater infrastructure of production on the shelf, "said Evgeny Kuznetsov, General Director of the Polyus Research Institute, as quoted by the press service.

The report quotes the words of Alexander Gerasimenko, General Director of the Innovative Service Company Petroengineering, who expressed confidence that cooperation with the Polyus Research Institute will give a new impetus to the development of domestic drilling equipment production, which will be able to compete with foreign analogues. Moreover, in the context of the pandemic, the problem of import substitution has become the most acute.

"The synergy of the scientific base of the Polyus Research Institute and our experience in the field of oil and gas well drilling technologies will allow us to bring the production of equipment in the strategic industry for Russia to the world level," Gerasimenko said.

According to the press service, ISC Petroengineering operates in almost all segments of the oilfield services market, has its own production of drilling tools and specializes in providing engineering services in the field of drilling.

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