
US missile defense fails test again

Image source: Hunini/Wikimedia.org

Two of the three tests of the combined US missile defense system ended in failure, according to a report by the US government Accountability Office.

The tandem of Patriot and THAAD anti-aircraft systems was tested in October 2019, March and October 2020. Only one test was considered successful. The reason for the failure is called software problems, writes MilitaryWatch. At the same time, officials noted that the Patriot air defense system was able to use THAAD radar data, which is already an achievement.

The goal of combining the two air defense systems is to expand the potential of the Patriot, an inexpensive and more versatile anti-aircraft system. According to the developer, the SAM is capable of shooting down both missiles and planes with helicopters. So far, the system has proved to be a mediocre defender, allowing Iranian drones into Israel and Yemeni missiles into Saudi Arabia. During the Gulf War, Patriot was unable to cope with the ancient Skud missiles that fired at neighboring Iraq.

The THAAD missile defense system is designed to intercept short-and medium-range ballistic missiles in the middle and final part of the flight. With the help of its powerful radars, Patriot SAMs hope to train them to shoot down the same missiles at the finish line. So far, little success.

Earlier, another US anti-missile system failed the tests. Two interceptor missiles fired in a salvo from a destroyer off Florida missed a ballistic missile fired from Hawaii

Anton Valagin

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