
Ukrainian "BTR-Marine" never learned to stay on the water well

Image source: Минобороны Украины / https://www.mil.gov.ua

In Ukraine, they do not give up hope to bring to mind the long-suffering BTR-4, which has already been rejected by several states. The Ukrainian military department reported on the allegedly successful tests of the version "with improved characteristics for overcoming water obstacles."

It is noted that the "BTR-Marine", nicknamed by local media, is designed to transport personnel of specialized units and provide them with fire support during the landing on the shore. It is capable of "performing tasks around the clock in areas of moderate-cold marine climate".

The information was accompanied by photo and video materials that captured the swims of the "four". It can be seen that the presented armored personnel carrier, equipped with additional floats and a snorkel, looks little different from those that were rejected by the Marines of the Indonesian Navy a few years ago.

Then it was noted that the amphibian strongly "buries" the bow while moving at full speed on the sea, and because of this, a large amount of water enters the hull.

This time, the Kharkiv armored personnel carrier, too, did not demonstrate any particularly outstanding capabilities - again, a strong dive was observed, so its use in conditions of small waves can lead to sad consequences.

The 30-mm cannon was fired at targets set on the shore, but the authors of the video did not hesitate to show how accurately the shells hit the target.

Earlier it was stated that such BTR-4 will replace the old Soviet BTR-60 and BTR-70. But it seems that the Ukrainian military themselves do not believe too much in such a prospect, and therefore the Marine Corps has already begun to receive armored vehicles that do not know how to swim "Kazak-2M1".

Alexey Brusilov

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