Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"
Currently, much is being said about the equipment created for operations in the Arctic. It is reported that it is the high efficiency of gas turbines in low temperatures compared to diesel engines that forced the return of the famous "flying tanks" T-80 to the troops.
They are currently upgraded to the BVM version and in most respects are not inferior to the most modern foreign developments.
According to some military experts, the interest in this region will necessarily lead to the fact that over time there will be even more samples of military equipment equipped with GTE. For example, infantry fighting vehicles, and, perhaps, in the end, even a modification of the main battle tank of the new generation with a high-power turbine.
It is known that in the Soviet Union, and then, in the early 90s, in the Russian Federation, there were already attempts to create such combat vehicles, in particular, a gas-turbine version of promising tanks. However, at that time these developments were not developed due to the fact that there were serious problems in financing. Now the time for breakthrough projects is much better than thirty years ago, and therefore there is a great chance of success.
Dmitry Lemeshko