
Talk about extending the work of the ISS is possible only after the lifting of US sanctions against Roscosmos-Rogozin

Image source: techcult.ru

Moscow. June 4. INTERFAX-An agreement on extending the work of the International Space Station (ISS) until 2030 was not reached during a conversation with the head of NASA, Bill Nelson, to begin with, the United States should lift sanctions from the enterprises of Roscosmos, said the head of the state corporation Dmitry Rogozin.

"It's not like that. We did not confirm anything of the kind during the conversation. On the contrary, it was about the unacceptability of sanctions against the TsNIIMash, which includes the MCC, and the Progress RCC - the manufacturer of Soyuz-2 space rockets. First, we need to remove these sanctions, and then make plans for the future, " Rogozin said in Telegram.

Earlier on Friday, Rogozin said that he plans to hold telephone talks with the head of NASA. "I have a telephone conversation with Mr. (Bill) Nelson tonight. And this (the future of the ISS-IF) is one of the topics that we will discuss, " Rogozin said.

"Both the leadership of NASA and the leadership of Roscosmos have a serious responsibility to preserve international space cooperation. And if we manage to do this, in conditions when everything else is bursting at the seams, it would be a good result, " Rogozin said.

It was reported that Russia may withdraw from the ISS project from 2025, transferring responsibility for its segment to the station's partners. At the same time, it was noted that Russia can continue to support its segment with the financial participation of the United States.

The alternative is to create a national space station, the first module of which is planned to be launched in 2025, and to complete the deployment in 2035.

In February, the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia reported that US and European sanctions could lead to "restrictions on international cooperation in the implementation of a number of projects."

Several Russian space enterprises, including the Samara RCC Progress and the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (TsNIIMash), were included in the US sanctions lists. This means that now American companies will need to obtain special licenses to export, re-export or transfer products to the persons involved in the "black list".

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