
The world's best tractor T-16 "Armata" can help others and stand up for themselves


Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

The T-16 tractor, created on the heavy interspecific unified Armata platform, is less well-known than its "close relative" - the T-14 tank, which annually participates in parades.

Although the role of armored repair and evacuation vehicles, which includes the "sixteenth", is very important. They are designed to evacuate damaged and stuck equipment, as well as assist in repairs in the field.

On board there is welding equipment, a bulldozer coulter, a cargo platform, a semi-rigid towing device, a mechanized hitch.

The maximum force of the traction winch is 40,000 kgf. The length of the cable is 200 m. The lifting capacity of the crane is 30 tons.

Crew - 3 people. Inside the BRAM, three more tankers of the evacuated armored vehicle can be placed. Weight-57 tons.

Engine power -1500 hp Power reserve - 600 km. For the destruction of ground and air targets, if necessary, there is a remote-controlled installation, armed with a 12.7-mm machine gun "Cord".

According to military experts, at present, the T-16 is the best BRAM in the world in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics and surpasses all foreign analogues.

Lev Romanov

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