
The Russian army will hold more than 4.5 thousand exercises in the summer

Image source: Фото: ТАСС/URA.RU/Анна Майорова

More than 4,500 exercises and trainings will be held during the summer training period in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This was announced on Tuesday, June 1, by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

According to him, the goal of the efforts will be to improve the personal performance of soldiers and maintain the intensity of combat training. The main outcome of the current academic year will be the Russian-Belarusian strategic exercises "West-2021", during which aviation will be used.

"It is necessary that the airfields, helicopter pads and aircraft equipment involved in the exercises strictly comply with the established flight safety requirements," Shoigu said on a conference call.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Northern Fleet announced plans to hold strategic exercises in the Arctic in the fall and interspecies exercises aimed at ensuring the security of the Northern Sea Route. It is noted that a group of ships and fleet support vessels with marines will make the tenth trip to the seas of the Arctic Ocean and conduct several amphibious operations on the islands and the continental coast of the Russian Arctic.

On the eve of May 31, Shoigu announced Russia's intention to create about two dozen new formations and units in the Western Military District for " adequate opposition to NATO." He clarified that the constant improvement of the combat composition of the domestic troops is caused by the actions of the West, which destroy the world security system and force the Russian Federation to " take measures of adequate counteraction."

Shoigu also shared plans to deliver about 2 thousand weapons to the Russian troops in 2021.

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