
Shoigu announced the creation of military units in the Russian Federation to counter NATO

Image source: Фото: ТАСС/URA.RU

Russia will create about 20 new formations and units in the Western Military District for "adequate opposition to NATO". This statement was made on Monday, May 31, by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

According to him, the constant improvement of the combat composition of the Russian troops is necessary because of the actions of the West.

"The actions of our Western colleagues destroy the security system in the world and force us to take adequate measures to counteract it. We are constantly improving the combat composition of the troops. By the end of the year, about 20 formations and military units will be formed in the Western Military District," Shoigu said at a meeting of the Defense Ministry board.

These organizational measures are implemented together with the supply of modern weapons and military equipment, the minister said. He announced plans to deliver about 2 thousand weapons to the Russian troops this year.

Shoigu also stressed that the military threat continues to grow in the western strategic direction. Thus, the NATO countries and the United States are increasing the frequency and intensity of their strategic aviation flights, increasing the presence of warships with cruise missiles, and increasing the number of their exercises.

"Over the past seven years, the intensity of flights of strategic bomber aircraft of the US Air Force in Europe has increased 14 times," the head of the military department added.

On the eve of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov said that the modernization of the Russian army is carried out exclusively for defensive purposes. According to him, the task of the government is to ensure the security of the country.

Earlier, on May 24, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted that the United States and its NATO allies are increasing military activity on the territory of Ukraine and in the Black Sea. According to the minister, seven joint military exercises with the countries of the alliance are planned to be held in Ukraine in 2021 alone. According to him, the Russian Federation is forced to take these actions into account in its military planning.

On May 10, US President Joe Biden, at a summit with NATO allies from Eastern Europe, supported "strengthening deterrence" on the continent. The American leader expressed support for the alliance's defense positions.

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Comments [1]
01.06.2021 10:00
"Данные организационные мероприятия реализуются совместно с поставкой современного вооружения и военной техники, уточнил министр. Он заявил о планах поставить около 2 тыс. единиц оружия в российские войска в текущем году"

Современное - это типа Т-72Б3, БТР-82, БМП-3 и БМП-2? А ещё Су-30, Су-34? И уже лет 6-7 лишь по 50 тыс. комплектов "Ратника" в год (они ж на пару лет использования, не на десятилетия)?
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