
The next launch of the Soyuz from Vostochny is scheduled for July 1

Image source: © Михаил Джапаридзе/ТАСС, архив

The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, previously announced plans to launch one Soyuz rocket from Vostochny in May, June and July

VOSTOCHNY COSMODROME /Amur region/, May 28. /TASS/. The Soyuz launch vehicle will next be launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome on July 1. This was announced on Saturday by the General Director of the Rocket and Space Center (RCC) "Progress" Dmitry Baranov.

"We have two missiles on the way, the estimated time of arrival is 7-8 (June 7-8, - approx. TASS). One car will leave on July 1, the second car will most likely fly in October. The final decision on this will be made, I think, in the next two weeks, " Baranov said during the construction of the combat crew of this cosmodrome, which carried out pre-launch training and launch of the Soyuz-2.1 b carrier rocket with the Fregat upper stage and 36 British OneWeb communication satellites.

Earlier, the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, announced plans to launch one Soyuz rocket from Vostochny in May, June and July.

The Soyuz-2.1 b launch vehicle with the Fregat upper stage, which is supposed to launch 36 OneWeb satellites into orbit, was launched at 20: 38 Moscow Time on Friday. About nine minutes later, the "Frigate" with 36 satellites separated from the third stage of the rocket. Later, the first two batches of satellites with four vehicles each separated from the upper stage.

This is the seventh launch of OneWeb satellites and the fourth fully commercial launch from Vostochny. It should bring the number of spacecraft of the British company in orbit to 218. Today's launch broke the record for the number of launches from the Far Eastern cosmodrome in a year. Prior to this, the largest number of launches per year (two) was made in 2018.

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