
Exercises to repel hacker attacks will be held at five cyberpoligons

Image source: © РИА Новости / Алексей Мальгавко

MOSCOW, May 14-RIA Novosti. Exercises to repel hacker attacks will be held at five cyberpoligons of Rostelecom in 2021, they will allow coordinating the work of various structures, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

"Such national training grounds, which are created at the site of Rostelecom, just allow you to organize interdepartmental exercises, without jeopardizing the existing work of current industries or executive authorities. At the same time, the work of industries, enterprises, and even entire cities is completely recreated at the landfill. And such training and exercises allow you to coordinate the work of various bodies to overcome cyber attacks. In 2021, 5 cyber-polygons will already host exercises, " Chernyshenko said after a meeting on the organization of cyber-polygons within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy" for various industries.

He recalled that cyberpolygons, in addition to Moscow, have already been opened at the Far Eastern Federal University on Russian Island and the Sirius University of Science and Technology in Sochi. "Just a few days ago, a cyberpolygon will open in Novosibirsk on the basis of the Siberian State University. It will be the third university to have a cyberpolygon demonstration point. After that, centers will be launched in St. Petersburg and other cities, including in cooperation with the largest universities in the country," Chernyshenko said.

"And we decided at the meeting today that we will expand both the geography and the number of industries, the protection of which will be practiced at cyberpoligons. Now, most of the efforts are focused on the energy sector, the credit and financial sector, and the infrastructure of state bodies. It is clear that this is not all, and we will need to continue this work, " the Deputy Prime Minister added.

The head of the Ministry of Finance Maksut Shadayev, in turn, noted that a separate segment is created for each industry, simulating business processes and scenarios of cyber attacks specific to this sector of the economy. "Each industry is characterized by certain risks related to information security. Our task is to create conditions for developing skills to deal with such risks. Within the framework of the cyberpoligon, we must form intra-industry cooperation to discuss existing threats, model scenarios of cyber attacks and quickly work them out, " Shadayev said.

The project to create a national cyberpoligon was launched at the end of 2019 to increase the readiness of the state and Russian organizations in key sectors of the economy to repel computer attacks and strengthen state security in the digital space. By the end of 2024, industry and functional development of the cyberpoligon infrastructure is planned. In particular, segments of the oil and gas, telecommunications, transport and metallurgy industries will be created. The scope of automated computer attack scenarios for conducting cyber-training will also be expanded. It is planned to create additional cyberpoligon support centers in various regions of Russia.

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