The US Department of Defense in 2022 will receive no more opportunities than in the current year. Yesterday, April 11, portal He said that the budget request of US President Joseph Biden for the 2022 fiscal year indicated $753 billion to finance national security. This amount is 1.6% more than the prescribed amount for 2021, but taking into account inflation at 1.7% — thus, the financing of defense needs will remain at the same level. Of the $753 billion, $715 billion was allocated to the US Defense Ministry, which is less than the previously planned administration of Donald Trump ($722 billion).
US President Joseph Biden
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At the same time, the new budget closes the pool of extra-budgetary funding, known as the overseas contingency operations account (OCO). In general, the US military budget remains within the average figures for the last thirty years — 3.3% of GDP.
The budget request is the basis on which the US Congress will look up. At the same time, the final budget may still be amended when the details of the document appear, including planned purchases and the distribution of funds between the branches of the US armed forces.