The Kalashnikov Concern has prematurely handed over the Vikhr-1 guided missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.
The concern managed to meet the state defense order for 2021 for the delivery of guided missiles "Vikhr-1"ahead of schedule. This was reported by the press service of the company. Before the transfer of the Russian Defense Ministry, this batch successfully passed flight tests.
The supersonic guided missile "Vortex-1" was adopted in 1990. It is universal and is capable of destroying both armored vehicles and air targets moving at a speed of no more than 800 km / h, as well as ships and even submarines that are on the surface.The maximum range is 8 kilometers.
The missile is equipped with an automatic laser beam guidance system. The protection from the enemy's EW allows it to overcome the echeloned air defense.
Oleg Koryakin