
There was a video of the test of the missile complex "Bal»


The first shots of the test of a missile of the Russian coastal defense complex "Bal"conducted in an anechoic chamber have appeared. They are published by the TV channel "Zvezda".

The video shows the camera itself, the rocket and the targets five meters away from it in the form of radiating horns-simulations that display the movements of both several objects on the water and one ship.

It is specified that when leaving the container, the rocket "makes a slide, then descends to the marching height", begins to maneuver and look for targets to defeat them. This was stated by Stanislav Sychev, Deputy General Designer for Innovative Development of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation.

He also explained that in an anechoic chamber, a distance of five meters is equal to one hundred kilometers in an open area. During the test period, the horns are moved on high vertical rails.

Maria Romanova

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