
Russian Defense Ministry buys Chinese Haval H9 SUVs


As reported by the web resource "Chinese Cars" , Chinese Haval H9 SUVs appeared in the Russian Army. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation actively replenishes the fleets of its structures with these machines.

Chinese SUV Haval H9, owned by one of the structures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on the streets of Moscow (c) avto-nomer.ru

On the streets of Russian cities, there are more and more Haval H9 SUVs with military license plates, "Chinese Cars" drew attention. In addition, our readers reported on the "nines" they saw at the Alabino training ground in the Moscow region and in one of the military camps.

The Haval representative office does not comment on the appearance of its SUVs in the army. Although we are talking about the purchase of equipment under a state contract, an informed source of "Chinese Cars" notes.

- Haval won the tender for the supply of H9 [SUVs] to the districts, to the headquarters. They have already come [to the army]. That is, the equipment has passed all the tough selections. Haval will be the main headquarters vehicle. The contract is long, " our source said

Most likely, the appearance of the military H9 is associated with the localization of their production in the Tula region. As you know, government agencies cannot buy imported cars.

It should be noted that information about the tenders of the Ministry of Defense is in the public domain. However, the documents we have studied do not directly mention Haval. Probably, SUVs participate in tenders with the streamlined names "Purchase of passenger cars for state needs".

Meanwhile, on a specialized portal avto-nomer.ru we counted 19 Haval H9s with military license plates. The first of them appeared in the database on September 19, 2020. Army "nines" came across users of the service in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. According to the portal, Chinese SUVs are already used by the motor depots of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, the Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucasus and Far Eastern military districts, and even the Navy. Another car in November 2020 was lit up in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Chinese SUV Haval H9 as part of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh (c) screenshot from video RIA Novosti

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Comments [2]
28.02.2021 20:56
Цитата, q
- Haval выиграл тендер на поставку в округа, в штабы [внедорожников] Н9. Они уже пришли [в армию]. То есть техника прошла все жесткие отборы. Haval будет основной штабной машиной. Контракт длительный, - сообщил наш источник

интересно какой очередной чинуша "продавил" личные финансовые интересы за счёт бюджета?

не мешало бы "военной приёмке" показать тот жёсткий отбор, который прошел хавал....
11.03.2021 21:02
Выпуском занимается тульский завод марки, процесс сборки организован по технологии полного цикла. Российский завод Haval заработал летом 2019 года, ежегодно предприятие способно выпускать 80 000 автомобилей.
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