
Vice Admiral called for an end to the entry of US Navy ships into the Black Sea

Sections: Sea, Global safety
Image source: © Фото : LPhot Dan Rosenbaum, HMS Kent

MOSCOW, February 2-RIA Novosti. Vice Admiral, former Chief of Staff of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, Pyotr Svyatashov, in an interview with the NSN, called for a decisive response to the actions of the American fleet in the Black Sea.

The USS Donald Cook entered the Black Sea on January 23. Later, another American warship, the Porter, arrived there. NATO explained their appearance as a response to Russia's "military buildup".

"Is he just going to walk around like this? We've got to get this over with. We need to show not all of our teeth at once, but at least some of them. Well, how long can you do whatever you want? < ... > Guys, well, it's time for you, probably, and get how much you can test the strength of Russian sailors?" Svyatashov said.

He clarified that "it is not necessary to start a war," but Russia has adequate ways to respond to the Americans.

"It's time to say: have a conscience. What are we afraid of? There are methods that should prevent the threat in our waters: electronic warfare and much more, " Svyatashov explained.

In recent years, Russia has claimed unprecedented NATO activity near its western borders, which is expanding its initiatives and calling it "deterring Russian aggression". Moscow has repeatedly expressed concern about the build-up of the alliance's forces in Europe. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier that Russia does not pose a threat to anyone, but will not ignore actions that are potentially dangerous to its interests.

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