
Seoul raised fighter jets due to Russian and Chinese warplanes

Image source: Фото: AP/Scanpix

South Korean fighters took to the air in connection with the entry into the country's air defense identification zone (KADIZ) of 19 military aircraft of Russia and China. This was announced by the joint chiefs of staff (JCS) of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea on Tuesday, December 22.

"At about 08: 00 (02:00 Moscow time), four Chinese military aircraft entered the Korean air defense identification zone. They were followed by 15 Russian aircraft. All of them left the zone around 15: 20 (09:20 Moscow time) local time, " Yonhap news Agency quoted the Committee as saying.

It is noted that the South Korean military sent air force fighters for tactical purposes.

The Committee added that the Chinese military had warned South Korea that its aircraft were conducting routine exercises before entering its air defense identification zone.

"Apparently, the incident is related to the joint exercises of China and Russia, and none of the aircraft violated the territorial airspace of South Korea," the report said.

The Russian defense Ministry said that two Russian and four Chinese strategic bombers conducted joint patrols over the Japanese and East China seas on Tuesday. During the performance of the tasks, the aircraft of both countries acted in accordance with the provisions of international law and did not violate the airspace of foreign States.

The event was held within the framework of the implementation of the provisions of the military cooperation plan for 2020 and was not directed against third countries. This is the second joint patrol by long-range aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region (APR).

In July 2019, the Russian and Chinese military conducted the first joint patrol by long-range aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region. They also did not violate the airspace of other countries.

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