
Strike on the column: the use of Mi-35M against terrorists was filmed on video


Mi-35M combat helicopters of the Nigerian air force conducted another successful night RAID against the militants of Boko Haram (a terrorist organization banned in Russia).

According to the defense Ministry of the state, the rotorcraft attacked a convoy of seven pickups, which were used by members of illegal armed groups. Two vehicles were put out of action by accurate fire, and several militants moving on them were neutralized.

Apparently, during the attack, double-barreled 23-mm automatic guns GSH-23L were used, which have an ammunition load of up to 450 rounds. They have a high rate of fire (up to 3,200 rounds per minute), the initial velocity of the shells, each of which weighs 173 grams, reaches 715 meters per second.

It is possible to hang two additional containers with such tools.

It is known that the "thirty-fifth" can use unguided 80-mm s-8 aircraft missiles of various modifications, up to 80 pieces in total, as well as high-precision ATGM "Shturm-V" and "Ataka-M" with a range of 5000-6000 meters.

The mi-35M is equipped with advanced optoelectronic equipment, including thermal imaging, which provides effective use in night conditions. This was demonstrated in the released video.

Previously, helicopters of this model have repeatedly confirmed their high efficiency during combat operations against terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

Alexey Moiseev

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