
Putin: the use of artificial intelligence will largely determine the outcome of the battle

Image source: industry-hunter.com

The President stressed that " such weapons significantly increase the potential of parts and compounds"

MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is confident that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the management of weapons in the future will largely determine the outcome of the battle. He said this, speaking on Monday at an expanded meeting of the Board of the Ministry of defense.

"In the course of combat training, we should more actively develop and test weapons and equipment with elements of artificial intelligence," Putin said. He stressed that " such weapons significantly increase the potential of units and formations not only today, but also in the near future will largely determine the outcome of the battle."

The President said that the technical modernization of the army and navy requires the introduction of new forms and methods of action of troops, and called for the development of military science. According to Putin, it is necessary not only to study the experience of modern armed conflicts and local wars, but also to make forecasts for the future. "Including taking into account the appearance of weapons in the armies of a number of foreign countries based on new physical principles," he stressed.

The head of state also emphasized that the Russian military is aware of this and is working in this direction. "We must keep this constantly in the field of our attention," Putin urged.

The Russian leader noted that during the upcoming exercise "West-2021" new approaches to the use of the regional grouping of the Union state should be worked out. He also added that already " some neighbors are showing increased interest in what and how we plan to do there." Putin addressed defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, noting that the Russian Federation traditionally invites observers to the exercises. "And this time, invite them to watch. What is it? We have everything open in this sense, " Putin summed up.

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