
Amazon will become the largest corporate buyer of renewable energy

Image source: topics.nytimes.com

Amazon recently announced plans to add 26 more wind and solar power projects with a total capacity of 3.4 GW to its assets. As a result, the number of such projects funded by Amazon in 2020 will reach 35, and the total capacity will exceed 4 GW.

This is the largest "investment" in renewable energy sources in one year. with the new power plants, amazon will become the largest corporate buyer of renewable energy.

currently, the company has already invested in wind and solar power plants with a total capacity of 6.5 gw. they will allow the company to provide its enterprises with more than 18 million mwh of renewable energy annually. for comparison, this is enough to provide electricity to 1.7 million homes in the united states for one year. Electricity is essential for Amazon's offices, fulfillment centers, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers, which serve millions of customers around the world. the projects are part of amazon's plan to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2040. By 2025, the company hopes to cover 100% of its electricity needs through renewable energy sources. This goal was originally set for 2030.

The mentioned 26 power plant projects are being implemented in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. In total, the company has 127 renewable energy projects around the world, including 59 that use wind and solar energy.

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