
Precision strikes by the Egyptian air force near the border with Libya captured on video

Sections: Air, Global safety
Image source: rg.ru

Aircraft of the Egyptian air force attacked terrorist caravans near the Libyan border.

Reports that refer to the Ministry of defense of this state note that more than two dozen SUVs carrying weapons and ammunition were destroyed.

The video footage that appeared on the Network shows French-made multi-purpose Rafale fighters. Apparently, they played a major role in this operation.

Monitoring the situation, reconnaissance drones recorded the destruction of columns of vehicles moving mainly in the dark.

Rafale, as you know, can carry a variety of high-precision weapons: laser-guided bombs weighing 202, 227, 327, 910 kg with a range of 15-18 km, as well as guided missiles AS-30L, hitting 12 km.

According to some reports, the incident can be considered one of the first cases of combat use of these cruise vehicles in the are air force. Previously, American F-16 Fighting falcons were most often used against ground targets.

It is known that the Egyptians are also armed with MiG-29M / M2 purchased in Russia, which have advanced avionics, as well as a powerful Arsenal of air-to-surface and air-to-air weapons. Recently, these aircraft took part in joint exercises on the territory of Sudan.

Alexey Moiseev

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Comments [3]
10.12.2020 22:34
Миг 29 устарел , Рафаль гораздо лучше , один из лучших  истребителей в мире на данный момент
11.12.2020 07:24
Уже кончились высокоточные бомбы для Рафалей, будут стоять под забором полгода, ждать завоз. Простыми не умеют вообще, даже инструктора  пикировать не хотят.
МиГ-29 с "Гефестом" в порядке вещей еще советскими АБ со склада в Египте.
11.12.2020 19:41
Цитата, mikeinside сообщ. №1
Миг 29 устарел , Рафаль гораздо лучше , один из лучших  истребителей в мире на данный момент
У Египта МиГ-29М/М2,но Рафаль действительно в целом лучше.
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