
Tu-160M with the NK-32-02 engine entered the list of achievements in the field of engine building

Sections: Air, New development
Image source: Сергей Мамонтов / РИА Новости

It became the only example of Russian engine building included in the list compiled by the leading profile magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology

MOSCOW, December 9. /TASS/. The Russian Tu-160M strategic bomber with the latest NK-32-02 engines was included in the list of the most significant world achievements in the field of engine construction for 2020, compiled by the leading profile magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology and published in the latest issue of the publication.

"The Russian upgraded Tu-160M strategic bomber flew with upgraded NK engines-32-02 3 November. The newly developed compressor and turbine blades, as well as improved cooling, have increased the fuel efficiency of the turbojet dual-circuit engine, which can operate in afterburner mode, " the article says.

The Tu-160M with the NK-32-02 engine was the only example of Russian engine construction included in the publication's list.

On November 3, 2020, the deeply upgraded Tu-160M strategic missile carrier made its first flight with new NK-32-02 engines from the airfield of the S. p. Gorbunov Kazan aircraft factory. The flight took place at an altitude of 6 thousand meters. m and lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes. During the flight, the updated all-aircraft systems and avionics installed during the modernization of the aircraft were checked, as well as the performance of the new NK-32 02 series engine was evaluated. As noted at the time in the United aircraft Corporation, the flight took place in normal mode, the systems and equipment worked without comments.

The NK-32-02 engine was developed by the United engine Corporation (UEC, part of the rostec state Corporation).

The American magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology has been published since 2016 and is one of the world's most authoritative publications in the field of aviation and space.

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