
Russian Navy base in Sudan to be

Image source: vpk-news.ru

Sudan has approved the deployment of Russian Navy ships with a nuclear power plant. This is stated in the text of the agreement concluded by the Russian Federation and Sudan.

It is published on the legal information portal. "At the same time, no more than four vessels of the Russian Navy, including warships with a nuclear power plant, are allowed to stay at the logistics point, provided that nuclear and environmental safety standards are met," the document says.

The agreement specifies that Russia will have to notify the Sudanese side 12 hours before its ships enter and three hours before they leave.

On November 16, Vladimir Putin approved the creation of a logistics support point for the Russian Navy in Sudan, which will be able to receive surface ships with nuclear power plants.

The new facility, which is planned to be built near Port Sudan, will be able to accommodate up to 300 military personnel and civilians and will improve Russia's ability to operate in the Indian ocean, expanding its influence in Africa. A similar facility of the Russian Navy has existed for many years in the Syrian Tartus.

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