
China is preparing to launch a large-scale "weather modification" system»



Last week, it became known about the Chinese government's plans to dramatically increase the use of weather modification technologies, in particular, seeding clouds with silver microparticles.

Cloud seeding technology has been widely used for several decades in countries with arid climates, including China. Its essence is that silver microparticles are sprayed in the sky (usually from an airplane), which contribute to the condensation of water droplets and the formation of rain clouds. According to CNN, China plans to increase the total area of the experiment to change the weather by 2025 to almost 16 million square kilometers, which exceeds the territory of neighboring India. This, in turn, can lead to serious climate change in this region and even provoke conflict with neighboring States. India's agriculture, which depends on seasonal monsoon rains, may be hit hardest. Obviously, the ability to control precipitation is comparable to the effect of weapons of mass destruction (in this case, climate). Researchers from the National Taiwan University fear that "a lack of proper coordination of activities in matters of weather impact may lead to accusations of "stealing rain" between neighboring regions."

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