
"Petrel" to the slaughter

Image source: Фото: ptoday.ru

It makes no sense to extend start-3 at the cost of abandoning the most promising weapons

When in 2018, the Russian President first announced the development of new types of weapons in Russia, Western experts unanimously claimed that this is fiction, "Putin's cartoons". But for two and a half years, the means of objective control of Western, mainly, of course, American intelligence services that monitor the tests of the latest Russian weapons, have produced a revolution of consciousness in the West, a radical change of emotions from irony to concern, if not to say more – banal fear.

"Petrel", namely the product 9M730 (according to the NATO classification-SSC-X-9 Skyfall), which is being developed in the Yekaterinburg design Bureau "Novator", has become a reality for the West. It has not yet entered service, but it seems to be a matter of the near future. The stalled negotiations on the extension of start-3 also show this. One of the conditions of the new Treaty is to include a nuclear-powered cruise missile with no range restrictions.

It does exist

President Vladimir Putin and the Russian defense Ministry also say that Russia already has such a missile equipped with a small-sized nuclear power plant.

French military expert Corentin Brustlin said: "the Nuclear power plant removes restrictions on the amount of fuel, which allows the missile to use trajectories that are not tracked by the enemy and strike weakly protected objects. Naturally, the presence of such a missile will allow you to break through the enemy's missile defense system. In the increasingly complex global military and political situation, this will be a very serious trump card." At first, the West was more skeptical about the prospects of the Russian rocket. By the summer of 2020, it was replaced by wariness. For example, the us President's special representative for arms control, Marshall Billingsley, said that such weapons should not exist at all, since they are "flying Chernobyl".

This was followed in September 2020 by a statement from the head of British military intelligence, Lieutenant General Jim Hockenhall. He stressed that the Burevestnik missile is able to stay in the air for almost unlimited time, which allows for unexpected strikes on targets.

No they don't and we don't need to

The Western press organized a campaign to discredit the latest Russian weapons, in the information war, all means are good, and not only in the West, but also in our country. Moreover, not only "sofa experts" and bloggers are involved, but also authoritative heavyweights.

"Burevestnik lacks the main drawback of all existing strategic missiles, subsonic, supersonic and even hypersonic, which are easily detected on the main sections of the flight long before the approach to the target ”

Here is what Vladimir Dvorkin says: "in any real scenario, the Burevestnik cruise missile will not be able to make any contribution to Russia's nuclear deterrent potential provided by the existing nuclear weapons triad. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the probability of successful flight of cruise missiles with a much shorter flight duration compared to the Burevestnik is significantly lower compared to the samples of weapons in the strategic nuclear forces." And more: "Systems "Poseidon" and "Petrel". Their tests are in the initial stage and the time frame for possible acceptance into service is likely to be beyond the duration of the extended start-3 Treaty. But their inclusion in a hypothetically possible new Treaty could be considered if there are similar systems or other new models in the United States that are subject to control and do not violate the overall balance of deterrence capabilities. Today, the possibility of achieving a solution to this problem is extremely difficult, rather impossible." That is, if the Americans do not have similar weapons or they are unable to create them in the foreseeable future, then we should give them up. Otherwise, the Americans will refuse to extend start-3 or sign a new Treaty. Do we need a Treaty that benefits only the United States and limits our capabilities?

The rocket is invisible

The main criticism in the Western press is "Poseidon" and "Petrel" – the most effective models created recently. Poseidon cannot be intercepted or destroyed by modern us Navy weapons, and Petrel cannot be detected and intercepted after launch by modern radar and optoelectronic detection and targeting systems. The 9m730 Petrel rocket appears as a Ghost for a moment and disappears just as instantly. It can be detected from specialized DSP-4 satellites only at the time of launch, while the launch solid-fuel accelerator is running-this is no more than three seconds. But unlike ICBMs, they will lose it immediately. And they are quite successful in detecting and tracking ICBMs because of the long active section – from 180 to 300 seconds in time, which is enough to build a mathematical model of the trajectory. This is not surprising, since these satellites were originally intended to detect ICBM launches. In contrast to the usual Tomahawk or Kalibr type cruise missiles, whose cruising flight takes place at an altitude of six thousand meters, both one and the other, only the final section of the route (about 80 km from the Tomahawk) passes at altitudes from 30 to 150 meters, depending on the terrain in the target area. This flight profile, which is called High-Low (high-low altitude), is a classic for all KR – from anti-ship to strategic. For subsonic and transonic KR, the optimal cruising altitude (echelon) is six to seven thousand meters. At this altitude, the rocket travels the longest path with the lowest fuel consumption. Examples of missiles flying at this level: the already mentioned "Tomahawk" and "Caliber" of all modifications, strategic air-based MISSILES X-101/102, X-555, AGM-86B ALCM, as well as anti-ship P-500 (4m80) "Basalt", P – 1000 (3M70) "Vulkan", P–35 (4M44) "Progress", etc.for supersonic missiles (with flight speeds-M=2.5-3.0), the optimal level is considered to be 12-14 thousand meters. It is at this height that the anti-ship KR P-700 (3M45) Granit, P-800 (3M55) Onyx and strategic nuclear ASMP, ASMP-A (ASN4G) pass most of the way. For hypersonic missiles (with flight speeds from M=5.0 and higher), the optimal level is 28-30 thousand meters.

Photo: u-f.ru

The range of Tomahawk missiles officially for the conventional version is one thousand English miles (1,600 km), this value is an operational range that takes into account such factors as maneuvering around protected areas, deviations from the course in order to fly over a pre-defined territory (adjustment areas) to update information in inertial guidance systems, vertical maneuvering to avoid obstacles, fuel requirements, flying at higher than optimal speeds through protected areas and flying at low altitudes. The straight-line aerodynamic range of the Tomahawk is just over two thousand kilometers, provided that the entire flight takes place at high altitudes, where the fuel consumption for turbofan engines is three times lower than at low and ultra-low altitudes.

"Burevestnik" spends the entire flight route, regardless of its length, whether it is 10 thousand or 20 thousand kilometers, at altitudes from 50 to 100 meters at a cruising speed of about 800-850 kilometers per hour. Probably, the maximum speed due to the specifics of the operation of a nuclear WFD can reach up to 1100-1300 kilometers per hour. American physicist Jeff Terry called the estimated power of the rocket's nuclear engine 766 kilowatts, which is quite comparable to the power of compact nuclear power plants of the new generation. A thousand horsepower of power corresponds to a thrust of about a thousand kilograms. Which is quite enough for a subsonic KR with a starting weight of 4500-5000 kilograms. The rocket does not need to fly at high altitude, it unmasks it. Thus, the "Petrel" is deprived of the main drawback of all existing strategic missiles, subsonic, supersonic and even hypersonic, which are easily detected on the main sections of the flight long before the approach to the target. The Burevestnik has an almost unlimited range reserve, which allows it to bypass air defense zones (A2/AD) without any problems, and enter the airspace of a potential enemy from any direction. To the United States, for example, from the Mexican border.

A country with no air defense

It should be noted that there is no continuous radar field over the States. The fleet of fighter-interceptors consists of 240 F-22A, F-15C, and F-16C aircraft. In the USSR at the end of the 80 - ies there was a system of air defense with a solid radar field over the entire territory, controlled by eight hundred radars of various types, at the disposal of 2500 fighter-interceptors and 10 thousand PU Zur. It is worth noting that after the us authorities realized the threat that arose in the late 50s and early 60s from a large number of Soviet ICBMs, it was decided to abandon a powerful air defense system, including a large number of SAMS deployed in the country. According to former us Secretary of defense Schlesinger, " if they can't protect their cities from strategic missiles, then you shouldn't even try to create protection from the small bomber aircraft of the USSR." There is only a more or less continuous radar field of civil air traffic. Very specific, it should be noted. Airspace control is poorly organized, especially for unknown targets that are not identified by transponders. Small-sized targets flying at ultra-low altitudes (less than 60 meters), civilian airfield radars do not see at all. This is often used by owners of unregistered small aircraft, of which in the United States, according to police estimates, tens of thousands. They clog and complicate the monitoring of US airspace to such an extent that it is most likely that the control of airspace at ultra-low altitudes is carried out formally, that is, in no way.

At the moment, the NORAD system is engaged in radar monitoring of the air situation over the territory of the continental United States and Canada only for ballistic targets in the interests of missile defense. Mobile radars are used to control the airspace of aerodynamic targets, and up to 12 air defense fighters and two or three AWACS aircraft are constantly in the air. That's all the air defense of the United States.

The standard NATO long-range radar detection aircraft, the AWACS E-3C/D/F/G, will detect a Tomahawk or Calibre at a range of 240 to 320 kilometers, depending on the target's angle and altitude. But the "Petrel" – at a range of no more than 32 kilometers (20 miles), if it is at the right time in the right place and immediately loses it, since Western experts estimate the CVO of the missile at the level of X-101 and AGM-129A from 0.01 (flank projection) to 0.001 m2 (front projection). The rocket will only flash on the radar screen and disappear, the operator has no choice but to take this splash for a flock of birds or a large wave. This is exactly what it looks like. The body of the rocket is made using "Stealth" technology, the cross section of the fuselage is an inverted trapezoid, the signal reflected from the rocket in the onboard projection goes under it, and does not return to the radar antennas, and this is at a flight altitude of 25-50 meters. Due to the specifics of the laws of aerodynamic flight at hypersonic speeds, the zircon is made of heat-resistant materials with a large number of fuselage elements and aerodynamic surfaces made of titanium and steel alloys, the structure is made of straight lines and sharp corners. In General, a solid, huge "corner reflector", according to the most modest ESR estimates of about 15 m2, such an object, and even flying at an altitude of up to 30 kilometers, E-3C will detect at a range of 500 to 600 kilometers. The only advantage of the "Zircon" is its speed, that is, it is easy to detect, but it is difficult to shoot down.

The only reliable way to detect the Burevestnik rocket is by its radioactive trace, which it leaves on its way-the isotopes of iodine-131, ruthenium-103, caesium-134 and caesium-137, but the detection of this trace will occur on the third or fourth day, when the radioactive elements reach the upper atmosphere. Given the two-megaton SBCH, "Petrel" is the only one of all the "Putin cartoons", the use of which in the United States will learn only when one of the major megacities suddenly disappears along with the entire population. And then it becomes clear such "close attention" to this particular missile from the Western media and our "fifth column" and clearly organized campaign to discredit. 9m730 "Burevestnik" - the ideal deterrent weapon, the enemy will always be convinced, whatever their intentions towards Russia," response " is inevitable and inevitable.

Each of the latest Russian weapons created recently has its own undeniable advantages,but there are also disadvantages, and you need to think hard before sacrificing any type of weapon to the new start.

Sergey Ketonov

Military-industrial courier newspaper, published in issue # 47 (860) for December 8, 2020

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