
Why "Voronezh" in the Arctic

Image source: Фото: lenta.ru

The Russian President highly appreciated the increased noise immunity of the SNF control points

Contradictions among a number of countries related to the development of the Arctic region and the limited reserves of hydrocarbons on the planet encourage us to consider the Arctic direction as a potential theater of military operations (theater of operations). If you want peace, prepare for war. As for Russia, the development of military infrastructure involves the improvement and modernization of long-range radar for detecting aerodynamic and ballistic targets. This was also discussed at a meeting held by the President of the Russian Federation on equipping control points for strategic nuclear forces (SNF) and providing reliable electronic warfare systems.

A missile strike on the territory of our country in the Arctic sector is considered most likely due to the constant threat posed by nuclear submarines patrolling in the waters of the Arctic ocean by two nuclear powers – the United States and great Britain. As well as the relative proximity of the territories of NATO countries to our Northern shores. Therefore, the latest radar stations

missile warning systems in the Arctic, namely in Vorkuta and Olenegorsk in the Murmansk region, are considered by the military Department as the most important element of controlling the strategic nuclear forces in the event of a nuclear attack.

In the context of the statement made by the Russian President at the beginning of November 2020 about the final stage of creating a protected command post, we can say that protecting the country from a nuclear attack is of paramount importance today. In another way, the potential enemy simply cannot fight the obvious advantage of Russia's military infrastructure in the archipelagos and in the waters of the Arctic ocean.

“ Even if the enemy strikes us with a disarming nuclear strike, we have all the means to strike back with a retaliatory strike ”

It is no accident that in recent years there has been a significant modernization of stationary and mobile control points, and their analytical and operational capabilities have been expanded. Information support, monitoring and analysis of the situation today, in the context of sophisticated and technological methods of disinformation – another key task. The adventures of international terrorists can lead to a nuclear war in the conditions of hybrid methods of pushing peoples into this abyss.

At a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of defense, Federal agencies and defense industry enterprises, the President stressed that today all control points allow you to get comprehensive data on the situation in real time and use this information to review the situation and make informed decisions. He also highly appreciated the increased noise immunity and survivability of the PU. Even if the enemy launches a disarming nuclear attack on us, we have all the means to use our nuclear forces and strike back with a retaliatory strike.

Modernization of nuclear forces as a deterrent in the context of an escalating struggle for resources remains the main task of military construction for Russia. According to the President, this requires full management. The Supreme commander-in-chief noted the special role of monitoring and analyzing the situation, since the decision on retaliatory military operations will be made on the basis of objective data analysis. And the error here is unacceptable.

Belarusian sector

To do this, not only in the Arctic, but also practically throughout the entire perimeter of Russia, the 77ya6 Voronezh stationary long-range radar stations are deployed, designed to detect space and aerodynamic objects, including ballistic and cruise missiles. Long-wave stations included in the complex provide a high range of object detection, short-wave stations allow you to more accurately determine the target parameters.

The adoption of the Voronezh family of stations with a target detection range of up to six thousand kilometers into service allowed not only to significantly expand the capabilities of rocket and space defense, but also to concentrate ground-based missile warning systems on the territory of the Russian Federation (previously, some of the SPRn stations were located on the territory of some CIS countries). In the near future, the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation intends to completely replace all the previous radars for long-range detection of missile launches.

Today, in addition to Voronezh, the naval communications center Vileyka and the Volga radar station located on the territory of the independent Republic of Belarus are involved in the early target detection system. They are leased to Russia for 25 years without any taxes or payments. As compensation to the Belarusian side, part of the debts for energy carriers has been written off, Belarusian military personnel are being trained in Russian military universities, information about the rocket and space situation and the Ashuluk firing range for Belarusian air defense is being provided.

The detection range of the Volga radar is 4800 kilometers. According to this indicator, it is somewhat inferior to the Voronezh radar station, but it is located in the Western missile-dangerous direction of the Union state, in close proximity to the US missile DEFENSE facility under construction in redzikovo. It is planned to place MK-41 anti-missile launchers there, which can be easily converted to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles. Volga is capable of detecting ballistic missiles in flight, as well as space objects, can identify them and track their trajectory, calculating the start and fall points. In addition to Western Europe, the station controls NATO submarine patrol areas in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian sea.

Previously functioning stations and control points for strategic forces of this type, which are part of the missile attack warning system, have been dismantled in other former republics. In Ukraine, Latvia and Kazakhstan, these points were dismantled or destroyed.

The most well-known fact of dismantling is the elimination of the Gabala radar station that Azerbaijan inherited after the collapse of the USSR, which had a range of six thousand kilometers. Russia used it under a ten-year lease agreement from 2002. The number of personnel of the Gabala radar station did not exceed 1500 people. Russia paid Azerbaijan seven million US dollars a year for the lease of the facility. But in 2012, when the lease expired, Baku demanded to increase the rent immediately to 300 million, after which Russia was forced to suspend its operation. It seems that such a sharp and simultaneous increase in fees was aimed at squeezing Russia out of this region.

Obama's Bunker

What about the likely opponent? At the end of the term of Democrat Barack Obama, a second secret bunker was built under the North lawn of the White house. Modernization of the shelter, including the latest power supply and air conditioning systems in the event of the use of weapons of mass destruction, cost the us Treasury another 376 million dollars. But the bunker is not the only location where the country's leadership can manage the us nuclear potential.

A nuclear briefcase is always at hand for the current President. As commander-in-chief, he can order a nuclear strike with either a single cruise missile or a massive salvo of Intercontinental ballistic missiles from silos. The decision-making mechanism is as follows. If the first strike is carried out on the United States, the President must be safe at the command post-either in a bunker or on Board a flying CP stationed on a Boeing E-4B aircraft.

After this happens, the assistant to the President of the United States, in accordance with the direct order of the Supreme commander of the country, is obliged to contact the Pentagon. But before the order is carried out, the us President must identify himself using a special code-an identifier, conventionally designated as the "Golden code". The nuclear briefcase is carried by a special assistant to the President of the United States on watch with a Yankee White access level that includes thorough background checks and connections. This naval officer provides immediate access to the briefcase at any given time.

The President of the Russian Federation also has a nuclear briefcase. Reserve positions are held by the Minister of defense and the chief of the General staff. The key to it is kept by the operator officer. An officer who is under the President and carries a remote control, although it belongs to the communications troops, but also dressed in the Navy uniform, which corresponds not only to the tradition introduced in the 90-ies, but also to the nuclear strike power of our Navy, whose ships and strategic submarines are closest to the likely enemy.

Of course, it would be better if the situation developed in such a way that we never had to activate these components of our strategic nuclear forces. But it is not Russia that is responsible for the growing tension in the world. It is forced to respond to these challenges of time. Whether a nuclear Apocalypse will happen or not, no one can say for sure. The us administration is increasingly inclined to use low-power nuclear weapons, which reduces the threshold for the use of these deadly weapons of great destructive power. And the Voronezh radar is our response to the Washington hawks ' crazy plans.

Vladimir Yeranosyan, Colonel

Military-industrial courier newspaper, published in issue # 46 (859) for November 1, 2020

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Comments [1]
08.12.2020 18:05
Цитата, q
Дальность обнаружения РЛС «Волга» – 4800 километров. По этому показателю она несколько уступает РЛС «Воронеж», но зато находится на западном ракетоопасном направлении Союзного государства, в непосредственной близости от строящегося объекта ПРО США в Редзиково.

В непосредственной близости от Редзиково находится калининградский "Воронеж", а не "Волга", в три раза ближе.
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