
Serbian General staff officer compares Russian t-72MS tanks with M-84

Image source: Министерство обороны Сербии.

Last Saturday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic visited one of the military units, where he was first shown 11 modern T-72MS tanks recently received from Russia.

According to the website of the country's defense Ministry, Alexander Vucic highly appreciated the latest military equipment and thanked the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin for their assistance. He called the received vehicles unique and noted that the Serbian tankers are very happy with them.

Defense Minister Neibosha Stefanovic, chief of the General staff Milan Moisilovich and Russian Ambassador Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko also attended the event.

Lieutenant Colonel Goran Jovanovic, representing the Department of development and equipment of the General staff of the army, comparing the T-72MS with the Serbian M-84 in service, noted that the first significantly improved maneuverability, protection and firepower characteristics.

For example, mobility is increased by installing an 840 horsepower engine, while on the M-84 and the basic version of the t tank-72 - 780-strong power plants.

The implemented automated gearbox makes it easier to control the tank.

T-72MS armor protection successfully protects the crew from various types of projectiles.

The optoelectronic sighting devices installed on the tank are much more advanced than on previous versions. The commander's panorama allows independent observation around the tank at 360 degrees. The gunner can successfully fire at a distance of more than six kilometers.

Russian BRDM-2MS armored vehicles, 155 mm NORA-B52 MS self-propelled howitzers, and equipment used by Serbian army intelligence units were also displayed at the military facility.

Alexey Brusilov

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