
Serial production of the latest Bulat rocket will begin in 2022

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Министерство обороны РФ

Serial production of the latest guided missile "Bulat" is scheduled for 2022. This was announced on Friday, November 27, by the industrial Director of the arms complex of the rostec state Corporation Bekhan Ozdoev.

"We are manufacturing an experimental batch of Bulatov for preliminary testing as part of a combat vehicle. Given that the completion of development work in General is planned at the end of 2021, serial production of these guided missiles is planned to begin in 2022, " RIA Novosti reports.

According to Ozdoev, flight tests of the missile designed to destroy lightly armored vehicles were completed with a positive result in September, and its stable flight to the maximum range over the entire temperature range of operation was confirmed.

The Bulat is planned to be used in addition to the Kornet anti – tank guided missiles, according to the high-Precision complexes holding, a weapons development company (part of rostec).

The beginning of flight tests of the Bulat was reported in August. The missile is capable of hitting targets at a distance of at least 3 km - both lightly armored enemy vehicles and low — flying targets-drones and helicopters.

Small-sized guided "Bulat" will be an additional enhancement of the firepower of the "cornet" and will occupy a firing niche between the anti-tank guided missile and the gun of the combat vehicle, experts explained.

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