
Video: Kazakhstan has tested a new missile DEFENSE system of Russia


The test launch of a new missile of the Russian missile defense system took place at the Sary-Shagan test site in Kazakhstan.The test run was successful.

According to the press service of the Russian defense Ministry, the new anti-missile system reliably confirmed the characteristics laid down. Tactical and technical parameters of the missile launch are not reported.

"The combat crews successfully completed the task, hitting the conditional target with the specified accuracy," the official statement of the Ministry said.

Note that the Russian missile defense system is in service with the VKS and is designed to protect against air and space attack attacks. On October 28, anti-missile tests were also conducted at the Sary-Shagan test site.

By the way

At the Army-2020 forum, a presentation of the 51P6E2 launcher from the Abakan advanced missile defense system was held. Interceptor missiles are capable of shooting down low-profile targets at an altitude of 25 and a range of 30 kilometers. The interval between launches of two anti-missiles is two seconds, the deployment time of the installation for combat is six minutes.

Nikolay Grishchenko

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