
The first helicopter "Ansat" for the Republika Srpska


On November 23, 2020, Russian Helicopters JSC (part of rostec state Corporation) announced that it had handed over the first light Ansat helicopter in medical configuration to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina). This is the first aircraft transferred under the contract for three helicopters. This was the first delivery of the Ansat helicopter to a European customer.

The first Ansat helicopter built for the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in a medical configuration produced by Kazan helicopter plant JSC (part of Russian Helicopters JSC of rostec state Corporation) (C) Russian Helicopters JSC"

The Ansat for Republika Srpska is equipped with a medical module with stretchers and a medical shelf. In the cabin there is a place for transporting the victim and two seats for accompanying doctors. The medical equipment includes a system of artificial lung ventilation, a tele-ECG that allows you to monitor heart activity in real time, and other equipment for the evacuation of patients of varying severity. The package includes five seats that can be installed instead of a medical module, and carry 7 passengers in the helicopter cabin. The aircraft also has an active vibration damping system.

"This delivery demonstrates the competitiveness of Ansat in the European market, and we see prospects for new orders. I am sure that European operators will appreciate the favorable cost of operating the helicopter, its versatility and reliability. Two more Ansats will be transferred to the Republika Srpska in 2021 and 2022 for the needs of the police. they will be additionally equipped with searchlights, a parachute-free landing system, a winch and an external suspension," said Andrey Boginsky, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding company.

As part of the contract for the supply of three helicopters to the Republika Srpska, three technicians and two pilots of the customer were trained at the KVZ aviation training center (AVC KVZ). The program included training in the design and maintenance of the glider, power plant and systems of the Ansat helicopter for aircraft technicians, as well as theoretical training, classes on the new Ansat simulator and practical flight training for pilots. The cadets successfully passed the exams and received documents confirming their qualifications. In the future, the AVC KVZ plans to gradually train flight and technical personnel as helicopters are delivered - in the next two years, 4 more pilots and 6 technicians will be trained.

"Ansat" is a light twin-engine multi-purpose helicopter, mass production of which is deployed at the Kazan helicopter plant. The design of the helicopter allows you to quickly transform it into both a cargo and passenger version with the ability to transport up to 7 people. Ansat is certified for use in the temperature range from -45 to +50 degrees Celsius, as well as for operation in the highlands. In 2019, the Federal air transport Agency certified an increase in the life of the Ansat fuselage to 16,000 flight hours. In 2020, the Russian aviation authorities certified the installation of an emergency landing system and infectious boxes for transporting patients with coronavirus infection on Ansat, and Ansat received a more advanced and ergonomic medical module. Approval was also granted for the main change to increase the airworthiness restrictions of a number of the main units of the helicopter.

The first Ansat helicopter built for the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in a medical configuration produced by Kazan helicopter plant JSC (part of Russian Helicopters JSC of rostec state Corporation) (C) Russian Helicopters JSC"

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