
"General Moroz" is back in business: Russia's Arctic power scares the West

Image source: © РИА Новости / Павел Львов

The fact that the Arctic is a potential region of confrontation has long been clear. But Russia's position there is well-established, and this is what NATO countries are most concerned about. However, they can't do anything about the" frost resistance " of the Russians yet.

The Arctic and Leader icebreakers, a scientific floating platform, submarine bases, and rapid deployment of military forces in extremely cold conditions all make Russia the undisputed master of the Arctic, and potentially the winner of any battle in the region and even at the pole. Such control and power definitely make the NATO countries nervous, although they are masters of twisting themselves, trying on the potential damage from any Russian military equipment on themselves.

But the main concern of the West is not even in Russia's capabilities, but in its own failure when it comes to a hypothetical collision in the Arctic. And the impossibility of getting rid of this "inferiority complex". According to the French Le Point, no exercises like the Arctic Challenge, designed, it seems, to demonstrate the strength of NATO and its allies, are not even able to cast a shadow on the Arctic monopoly of Russia. Experts recognize that only Moscow can operate throughout the zone, quickly deploy troops and use equipment tested at extremely low temperatures. Well, "General frost" has always terrified potential and real opponents of Russia.

Of course, the West will do everything to change the situation and raise its level to the necessary level in the Arctic. However, this will require huge costs, huge effort, and grueling training for personnel and equipment. And a lot of time, which Moscow also uses for its own good, strengthening its position in the region.

By Svetlana Kholodnova, Sputnik radio

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