
Part of the Armenian ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" that fought in Karabakh did not have locators


Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

In the course of hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh, Armenian armed forces have used various means of defense. Mostly, these were outdated systems created in the sixties and seventies. For example, the ZSU-23-4 Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Moreover, according to a report published by the HetqTV channel, some of the vehicles had their radar stations dismantled.

According to military experts, this is due to the fact that the Armenian side, due to a shortage of spare parts, experienced problems with maintaining such equipment in working condition. In addition, the old radars could unmask the location of combat vehicles and were easily suppressed by interference.

Image source: vestnik-rm.ru

In some countries, where" Shilkam " extend the operating time, ZSU install special sighting stations with thermal imagers, television cameras, laser rangefinders. Weapons are reinforced with missiles with infrared guidance systems.

Nothing like this can be seen on Armenian self-propelled guns. If such upgrades were carried out, they would be able to cover ground troops more effectively.

Dmitry Lemeshko

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