
Tehran warns of serious consequences if the US tries to strike Iran

Image source: © РИА Новости / Сергей Мамонтов

Dubai. November 19. INTERFAX-Any US attack on Iran will lead to a full-scale war, Hossein Dehghan, an adviser to the head of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei, said in an interview with the Associated Press.

"We don't support the crisis, we don't support the war, we don't aim to start a war," he said.

"A limited tactical conflict can turn into a full-scale war. Certainly, neither the US, nor the region, nor the world will be able to withstand such a comprehensive crisis, " Dehghan said.

The Agency recalls that Dehghan previously served in the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps, was the Minister of defense, and in 2021 intends to take part in the presidential elections in Iran.

Earlier in November, the American newspaper The New York Times, citing informed sources, reported that Donald trump's closest advisers managed to convince the President of the inexpediency of striking a nuclear facility in Iran.

The publication writes that trump asked advisers at a meeting in the oval office whether he had options for taking action against Iran's main nuclear facility in the coming weeks.

The meeting, which was attended by Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, acting Secretary of defense Christopher Miller and Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark Milley, took place a day after IAEA inspectors reported that Iran's uranium reserves are 12 times higher than allowed by the nuclear agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. The US withdrew from this agreement in 2018.

Those present at the meeting warned trump that a strike on Iran's facilities could easily escalate into a broader conflict in the final weeks of his presidency, the newspaper noted.

According to The New York Times, the strike would almost certainly have targeted the Iranian nuclear facility at Natanz.

The newspaper writes, citing reports from sources that trump "may still be looking for ways to strike targets of the Iranians and their allies, including militias in Iraq."

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