
To spite Biden: trump wanted to attack Iran

Image source: gazeta.ru

NYT: trump considered the possibility of an attack on a nuclear facility in Iran

Donald trump allegedly planned to strike a nuclear facility in Iran, but he was dissuaded from this step, the media write. According to journalists, the current head of the White house in the last weeks of his tenure will try to create obstacles to the implementation of the election promise of Joe Biden on the nuclear deal with Tehran.

Us President Donald trump at a meeting on November 12 expressed his intention to strike an underground uranium enrichment plant in the Iranian city of Natanz, the new York Times newspaper writes, citing four sources from among current and former United States officials.

According to journalists, during a meeting at the White house, trump was interested in options for specific actions regarding the mentioned Iranian nuclear facility in the coming weeks. According to the publication, American Vice President Michael Pence, Secretary of state Michael Pompeo, acting defense Secretary Christopher Miller, Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the country, General mark Milli, and others dissuaded the President from the idea of using force against the Islamic Republic.

The publication noted that it could be a rocket attack or a cyber attack.

Officials who attended the meeting left the White house confident that the use of military force by the us against Iran is now out of the question. They expressed the view that the strike on the Natanz plant could easily trigger a large-scale conflict in the middle East during the weeks that, following the results of the General election in the United States on November 3, could be the last for the Republican administration. The White house did not respond to the newspaper's request for comment.

As indicated in the publication's material, although the head of state's security consultants consider the topic of a potential strike on a nuclear facility in Iran to be exhausted, the President himself is still looking for ways to attack Iranian assets and Tehran's allies in Iraq. The newspaper suggests that trump wants to spoil relations with Iran in this way, so that his rival in the election, Democrat Joseph Biden, after coming to power, would find it more difficult to fulfill a campaign promise and revive the nuclear deal on the terms of 2015.

Earlier, the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran's uranium reserves are 12 times higher than those allowed by the nuclear deal, from which Washington withdrew in 2018. According to Reuters, the IAEA in a confidential report stated that Tehran continues to increase the volume of low-enriched uranium above the level laid down in the Joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program.

According to the report, the Islamic Republic also installed the first cascade of upgraded centrifuges at the Natanz underground plant.

The JCPOA was signed in 2015 by Iran, Germany and the permanent members of the UN Security Council - Russia, great Britain, China, the United States and France. Under the deal, Tehran's nuclear development was restricted in exchange for the lifting of UN sanctions and unilateral restrictive measures by the United States and the European Union.

The Islamic Republic has committed itself not to enrich uranium by more than 3.67% for 15 years and to maintain its enriched uranium reserves at a level that does not exceed 300 kg, as well as not to build additional heavy-water reactors, accumulate heavy water, or develop a nuclear explosive device. In 2018, Washington announced its withdrawal from the deal and imposed economic sanctions on Iran.

In early November of this year, Axios, citing two sources, reported that the us administration plans to impose many new sanctions against Iran during the time remaining until the end of the current President's term in power.

As the interlocutors of the publication noted, the United States, along with Israel and the Gulf countries, are going to apply a series of restrictive measures to Tehran in the next ten weeks before the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20.

According to Axios, the United States special representative for Iran, Elliot Abrams, previously said during a closed-door event that the trump administration intends to announce new sanctions every week.

According to the portal's sources, such a "stream" of sanctions will increase pressure on Tehran and create obstacles for the Biden administration if it wants to return to the Iran nuclear deal.

Lydia Misnik

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