
"Understands the need": Nebenzia on Biden's attitude to start-3

Image source: gazeta.ru

Nebenzia assessed the prospects for extending the start-3 Treaty under Biden

Democrat Joseph Biden, who is now considered the most likely winner of the us presidential election, is aware of the importance of extending the Treaty on strategic offensive arms reduction, said Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia. Earlier, the Federation Council admitted that there may be progress in this issue under Biden. At the same time, Moscow views such prospects rather cautiously.

The candidate for the post of President of the United States from the Democrats, Joseph Biden, is aware of the importance of extending the strategic arms reduction Treaty (start-3), Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia told RIA Novosti. At the same time, he admitted that the likely change of the us administration does not mean that Moscow and Washington will not have rough edges on the issue of weapons.

"This does not mean that everything will be very smooth in the field of weapons and disarmament with the Americans if a democratic administration comes. But the fact that Biden understands the need to extend the DCFTA is a fact, which, by the way, Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] spoke about not so long ago, " the Russian Ambassador drew attention to.

Russia has previously spoken out about the fate of start-3 under Biden. As the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir dzhabarov said on November 5,

if the Democrat wins the us presidential election, there may be some progress on the issue of extending start-3.

"We remember that Biden in his program promised to extend the contract for five years, "the Senator told RIA Novosti.

At the same time, he acknowledged that not all the election promises of candidates for President of the United States come true. "American presidential candidates promise a lot, but they don't necessarily fulfill it. Not to mention the fact that the US is likely to face a serious trial over the winner of the election. So we have to wait, " Jabarov said.

The US election was held on November 3. According to preliminary data, Biden won them, which has already been announced by the largest American media, as well as by himself. However, the current head of state, Donald trump, claims that the election is far from over. The Republican candidate intends to defend his own victory in court.

To date, the issue of extending start-3 is a big question. This agreement between Russia and the United States entered into force on February 5, 2011. The agreement stipulates that each side will reduce its nuclear arsenals so that in seven years and beyond, the total number of weapons of these States will not exceed 700 Intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers, as well as 1,550 warheads and 800 deployed and non-deployed launchers.

Start-3 remains the last existing arms limitation Treaty between Moscow and Washington.

It was signed for ten years and expires on February 5, 2021. If it is not extended, there will be no agreements left in the world that limit the arsenals of major nuclear powers.

In the middle of last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered the United States to extend the current start-3 Treaty without any conditions for at least a year, so that it would be possible to hold meaningful negotiations on all parameters.

According to the assistant to the us President for national security Robert O'brien, the United States expects to work with Russia on verification conditions for the extension of start-3 for one year. According to him, if agreements are reached, Washington is ready to make a deal.

"I think we are getting closer to that. I think we will work out some version of the verification procedure for this one-year mechanism. But if we resolve the verification issues, I think we will be able to move on to a deal… We think it's in our best interest, " O'brien said during an online conference at the Hudson Institute.

According to Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the likelihood of reaching an agreement with the United States on the extension of start-3 is now in question, since Washington is not ready to compromise.

"We have said and continue to say that any agreement in this area is possible only as a balance of interests, as a certain compromise, which we are ready for. But we do not see any willingness to compromise on the American side, " he stressed.

Lydia Misnik

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