
Lavrov said that inspectors from the United States at the Russian factories will not be

Image source: © РИА Новости / Сергей Гунеев

MOSCOW, Nov 12-RIA Novosti. There will be no American inspectors at Russia's nuclear weapons factories, as was the case in the 1990s, Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters.

"(The US) has recently started to say, " Yes, we are ready to extend, but we should not just freeze all nuclear warheads through a political commitment, but we should also count them, we need to see what category these charges are, whether all of them are, and how to immediately arrange control over the objects where these charges are produced. We were already in such a situation when American inspectors were sitting at the gates of our military-industrial complex factories. This was in the 90s. And there will never be a return to this system, as you know," Lavrov said during an online press conference.

The start-3 Treaty between Russia and the United States entered into force on February 5, 2011. It provides that each party will reduce its nuclear arsenals so that in seven years and beyond, the total number of weapons will not exceed 700 Intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers, as well as 1,550 warheads and 800 deployed and non-deployed launchers. Today, start-3 is the only current agreement between Russia and the United States on arms limitation, but it expires on February 5, 2021. If it is not extended, there will be no agreements left in the world that limit the arsenals of major nuclear powers.

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