
Japan is serious about building a spaceport in Tokyo Bay


Spaceport Japan

The organization "Spaceport Japan" (Spaceport Japan) presented the concept of the future grandiose multifunctional center for space tourism. A structure the size of a small city is planned to be placed in Tokyo Bay. The idea is extremely ambitious – by 2050, the turnover in this industry will be more than a trillion dollars, and the Japanese intend to dominate it.

The most successful company in the field of space tourism today is Virgin Galactic, whose model of delivering customers to space is considered by experts to be the most promising. Nothing better for mass commercial travel in the first half of the century, most likely, will not appear, so the future spaceport is initially designed to serve the giant WhiteKnightTwo carrier aircraft. The presented concept has three huge hangar terminals for them, plus spacious taxiways and runways.

Spaceport Japan

It is noteworthy that there are no plans to accept conventional aircraft at the spaceport. this facility is entirely dedicated to the space industry. The futuristic building was designed by Noiz Architects. inside, there is a 4D cinema, a space Museum, gyms and swimming pools, a weightlessness simulation center, and many tourist attractions. Spaceport Japan has 25 permanent members and 30 temporary members, all representatives of large Japanese businesses, and each participant has their own interest in this project. However, there is a small problem – the company Virgin Galactic itself is cool about the project. Instead, by 2022, it plans to build its own spaceport in the Japanese city of Oita, which will become its Asian branch. But the ideologists of Spaceport Japan are not discouraged and urge to look to the future, when technologies for sending tourists to space will become more accessible and a truly large-scale infrastructure for this business will be required.

Spaceport Japan

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