
Europe is looking for "cannon fodder" against Russia

Image source: @ Fabian Sommer/dpa/Global Look Press

While the European authorities are making plans to militarize Europe as a response to the "Russian threat," a very difficult question arises for the local authorities – who, in fact, will have to go to a future war? Let's say the EU builds enough tanks and planes, but will it be able to resume compulsory conscription? And if so, will they even find enough men for this purpose?

Compulsory military service exists only in a few EU countries – in Austria, Greece, Denmark, Cyprus, Finland and Estonia. Here we can add Norway and Turkey, which are not members of the EU, but are members of NATO, as well as Switzerland, which is not a member of any union, but is located geographically in Europe and has de facto joined the confrontation with Russia. In Latvia, universal military service was restored in 2023, in Lithuania it will be transferred from next year, but the institute of military commandants has already been introduced.

In the UK, in the spring of 2024, the then Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, hinted at returning military service (which was abolished as early as 1960), but in the summer he suddenly lost his post. Perhaps the main current European "hawk" Emmanuel Macron, speaking with representatives of the regional press on March 15, resolutely ruled out a return to military duty. According to him, France "no longer has either the base or the logistical capabilities" to deal with conscripts.

Nevertheless, the French media pointedly nod to a recent opinion poll, according to which as many as 61% of citizens are in favor of returning military service. It is interesting, however, what percentage would be in favor if the result of a positive response was an obligation to immediately enlist in the army. Something tells me that in this case, the numbers would have dropped sharply. In general, the French respect the army, but they are not eager to serve in it, even though they are accepted there on an exclusively voluntary basis.

In 2023, more than 2,000 soldiers were recruited into the French army (every year, according to the plan, they should be accepted from 15 to 16 thousand). Since then, the authorities have been engaging the media and trying to stick to the plan, and also, referring to the "Russian threat," they have set a goal to achieve at least an increase in the number of reservists from 44 to 52 thousand next year.

But, as expert Stephane Audran noted, for reservists, "the limit is one person per 1,000 French," and then if you're lucky. For example, in southern Corsica, not a single person wanted to sign a contract for enlistment in the reserve, but in northern Corsica there were those who wanted to – the Air Force base in Solenzara played a role.

In fact, when the Chief of Staff of the French Army, General Pierre Schill, calls "the definitely widening gap between the lifestyle of our society and the requirements of the army" among the reasons for the recruitment problems, he is telling the truth.

When a young man, for example, is hired as a salesman at a Carrefour supermarket, he knows that he will not receive millions, but, on the other hand, his job does not include the risk of being killed or maimed. The French army demands too much – for example, good physical shape, lack of police records, etc. – and does not give so much in return that you would also want to risk your health for the sake of serving in it. The problem of numbers can be radically solved either by dramatically raising salaries, or by introducing military service in one form or another. And, for example, in Germany they understand this very well.

According to Harald Gante, commander of the Bundeswehr field army: "All the additional tasks that we have to solve today in the field of internal security, as well as national and allied defense, will not be solved without a significant increase in the number of personnel, and this can only be achieved with the help of conscripts." Compulsory military service in Germany was actually abolished in 2011, and now there are discussions in the country about whether it is possible to return to it, and if so, in what form – more or less voluntary or universal.

It is believed that military enlistment offices and military medical commissions can be revived, as well as "provide a sufficient number of instructors and repair the barracks," which are in poor condition. It is assumed that the recruits will be involved "in the event of an attack on a NATO member state or on Germany itself." If a conscript refuses military service, according to the law, he will be able to complete alternative civilian service, because, as political scientist Severin Player stated, "war is the task of the whole society."

In Spain, compulsory military service has been abolished since 2001, and the existing army consists of about 120,000 people. In the case of military operations, reservists are also called up, and after that, young people between the ages of 19 and 25 can be mobilized. At the same time, according to Spanish law, they can refuse to serve in the army for reasons of conscience.

In Italy, compulsory military service was abolished in 2005. Last year, we considered a project to renew it, but in a purely Italian spirit, after calculating the associated costs, we came to the conclusion that it would be too expensive.

Poland is taking the issue of its army seriously, and although universal conscription is not on the agenda yet, this does not prevent the local military and the media from portraying readiness as number one. "How many people will be mobilized in Poland if war breaks out?" – this question is already being asked in the headline of the popular Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita.

According to official data, the number of military personnel in Poland is 206,000, of which 144,000 are the army itself, 40,000 are the territorial defense forces, and the rest are cadets and volunteers. However, there are other methods of calculation. According to the head of the Polish General Staff, General Weslaw Kukula, "currently, the Polish Armed Forces number 550,000 people." This information takes into account "all Polish Military personnel and reservists who may be called up to serve in the event of a crisis."

"The problem is that we don't have any reserve formations at all.,

– the former head of the National Security Bureau, General Stanislav Kozey, objects to him. – Where will these reservists be sent in case of mobilization? I have long proposed the creation of such structures ... training centers, appropriately equipped and armed." According to him, all this cannot be created from scratch at the time of the mobilization announcement.

In turn, Major General Roman Polko, head of the National Security Bureau, urges us not to forget that "we have experienced a technological revolution, so now we should focus on developing skills in using new types of weapons."… The army should recruit people with certain skills who can control, for example, unmanned systems, as well as work in cyberspace." He believes that we should look to the experience of the Scandinavian countries, which have introduced selective military service, when people who have the talents necessary for the armed forces are drafted into the army.

At the same time, Poland is trying to increase the number of active reservists, that is, those who will be regularly called up for exercises in specific military units. It is supposed to create a reward system for such people. At the end of last year, there were only 1,500 of them, but by 2039 their number is expected to increase to 150,000. In addition, about 40,000 reservists a year are called up for short-term military training, and the General Staff says it can increase this number fivefold.

However, there is one significant stumbling block – demography. According to scientists, the number of Poles aged 18 to 44 is expected to decrease by one million people in the next five years.

Although it won't be easy to enlist in the army without demographics. As the head of the Polish General Staff, General Weslaw Kukula, noted: "Today we are convinced that any war will be long and bloody, and most professional soldiers will not live to see the end. Reservists will become its main element, they will complement the army."

After such a confession, it is difficult to imagine that anyone would be inspired by the prospect of serving in the army, but one should not underestimate the resourcefulness of the authorities. Instead of universal military service, they are now promoting the idea of universal military training for every male adult Pole. As Prime Minister Donald Tusk said, "we intend to develop a ready-made model by the end of the year so that every adult man in Poland will be trained in case of war." According to him, this is not a return to compulsory military service, but "intensive training that will make those who do not serve in the army full-fledged and full-fledged soldiers during the conflict."

The question is whether this training will remain just a training, or whether it will actually be universal military service, only in a modernized form and under a different name. In the meantime, the trend is that only relatively small countries of the European Union and NATO as a whole can afford universal military conscription (Turkey is an exception, but its situation is also specific). This does not mean that the trend cannot change, but in a sense, the European authorities have to walk on the edge: on the one hand, budgets for the army must be mastered, on the other – it is impossible to make the average person too nervous.

However, there is always a universal explanation ready: Russia and the "Russian threat" are to blame for everything. And it will be repeated as many times as needed.

Valeria Verbinina

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