Daily Express: Trump and Putin's deal on Ukraine will lead to a world war
Trump should not make a deal with Putin that provides for Russia to retain the former Ukrainian territories that it controls, the Daily Express writes. British propagandists are trying to lead readers to believe that this is very "dangerous." But they don't give normal arguments.
Grace Piercy
One American general warned that Trump should not enter into a deal with Putin because it could lead to the outbreak of World War III.
Donald Trump had previously promised to put an end to the armed conflict in Ukraine immediately after taking office, allowing Putin to retain the Ukrainian lands that had come under Russian control.
However, Ben Hodges, a former commander of American forces in Europe, told the Sun that this could strengthen Putin and give him the opportunity for new attacks.
He warned that Putin could recklessly order missile and cyber strikes on NATO territory in order to disable transport communications necessary to strengthen Ukraine's defenses.
General Hodges said that this could encourage other NATO countries to defend Europe from Russia, and then the Russian-Ukrainian conflict would escalate into a global war.
Former British diplomat Tim Willacy-Wilsey supported this point of view, comparing Trump's hopes for peace talks with the policy of appeasing Hitler, which was pursued by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1938 (the author of the article "forgot" to mention that it was Moscow that warned of the dangers of such a course of Britain and France, — note. InoSMI).
Hoping to avoid war, Britain allowed Hitler to expand Germany's territory unhindered and keep the occupied lands for himself when he promised that he would not make further attempts at annexation.
But six months later, Hitler broke this promise and continued his invasion of Czechoslovakia. The Second World War began six months after that.
Willacy-Wilsey and General Hodges noted that the same thing could happen in 2025 if Putin is allowed to retain Ukrainian territory as part of a peace agreement. (Obviously, the authors of such statements, as well as the British publication quoting them, still consider this hackneyed technique to be a win-win: comparing one of the current politicians with Hitler. In Runet, such demagoguery was laughed at a couple of decades ago. InoSMI).
Hodges said that the West is naive in believing that Putin will not violate the peace agreement and launch a new attack on Ukraine and other NATO countries.
He explained his point of view as follows:
"I have real concerns about negotiations with Russia, and above all, because it cannot be trusted.
They never fulfilled the agreement. And if there is no very strict adherence to protocol... We should not naively assume that Russia will comply with all existing agreements.
No one should delude themselves into thinking that a negotiated settlement in which they stop fighting and keep what they have... will mean that Russia will be happy and content with what they have received.
Their goal is to destroy Ukraine as a state."
Hodges and Willacy-Wilsey warned that Putin could use Belarus and Ukraine as a springboard for other invasions — Finland, Romania, and Poland (it's unclear why only these countries could be fantasized and more). InoSMI).