
Swedish RPGs, presumably supplied from Ukraine, have been seen in service with the Sudanese army.


Image source: topwar.ru

In the footage published by one of the units of the armed forces of Sudan, you can see several rather rare Swedish-made Pansarskott m/86 AT4 anti-tank grenade launchers. Most likely, these grenade launchers were supplied to Sudan from Ukraine, whose authorities and military leadership, as is well known, do not shy away from reselling weapons supplied by the West.

In 2022, about 22,000 of both the original Swedish version of the AT4 and the American version of the M136 RPG were delivered to Kiev. Grenade launchers of this type have become one of the most widespread RPGs in the Ukrainian army.

Image source: topwar.ru

Image source: topwar.ru

The development of the Pansarskott m/86 lasted from 1981 to 1986. The grenade launcher entered service with the Swedish army in 1987 under the code AT4. This RPG is a development of the concept of the 60s Pskott m/68. In the mid-1980s, the AT4 was adopted by the US Army, for which mass production of this type of weapons was established in Sweden.

The Pansarskott m/86 AT4 is capable of hitting vehicles and light armored vehicles that are not equipped with dynamic protection, but it is practically useless against modern tanks. Nevertheless, the AT4 became one of the most massive grenade launchers in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, while, according to some reports, outstripping the Soviet RPG-7, whose reserves in Ukraine were pretty depleted. It is not surprising that enterprising and unscrupulous Ukrainian officials sold some of the large reserves of AT4 abroad.

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