Image source: topwar.ru
The German company MBDA Deutschland has revealed the concept of using a promising RCM2 cruise missile, which was first presented as a mock-up in June 2024 at the ILA 2024 exhibition.
As indicated, this product is suitable for all branches of the armed forces and it can be launched from a warship (for example, from the Mk 41 VPU), a military transport aircraft (in particular, the Airbus A400M) and a mobile ground launcher (such as the M270 MLRS or HIMARS).
The RCM2 is primarily designed for striking, but can also be equipped with a payload, for example, electronic warfare, creating interference or working as a decoy.

Image source: topwar.ru
In addition to GPS navigation, the rocket will be equipped with an INS, a terrain contour mapping system (TERCOM) and an IR-GPS.
RCM2 will have the ability to "hover in the air", that is, it can be redirected to another target already in flight. In the future, it is planned to add an intelligence function, which will be carried out using sensors that collect data about targets.
The specifications presented at ILA 2024 include a length of 4 m, a weight of 340 kg without a launch accelerator and a flight range of more than 500 km.

Image source: topwar.ru
RCM2 layout for ILA 2024
The RCM2 is very similar to the RCC, having a streamlined body and a "faceted" nose. A pair of retractable wing consoles is installed above the body, and the tail imitates an airplane, with a pair of vertical and a pair of horizontal stabilizers. Conformal air intakes on both sides of the body power a turbofan or turbojet engine.
Western observers note that Europe is seriously lagging behind Russia in terms of missile range. And RCM2 will be no exception in this regard.